The trip starts with the transfer service to the Metropolitan Natural Park where you will have a walk of approximately two hours through trails where the park’s incredible fauna and flora can be seen. The park forms the amazing Mesoamerican Biological Corridor along with Camino de Cruces and Sovereignty National Park; also it shelters one of the last refugees of dry tropical forest where a great quantity of birds live, more than 250 species, the curious blue-crowned motmot, the club-winged manakin that sings while making wing sounds in order attract a mate, the sympathetic keel-billed toucan with a yellow chest, its colorful bill is so large that it represents one-third of its body, and the thorough weaverbird with its astonishing nests stand out. There are also sloths, coatis, monkeys, iguanas, anteaters, morpho butterflies and extraordinary orchids. Furthermore, the parks’ trails offer spectacular views of the city and the gulf.

DURATION: Approximately 3 hours.

TIME: Preferably, early in the morning in order to observe the fauna.

GUIDE: Bilingual speaker guide.

INCLUSIVE: transfer from/to the hotel and entrance to the park.

RECOMMENDED OUTFIT: long pants, long sleeve shirt, hat, comfortable shoes for the walk, sunscreen, repellent, hydration and a raincoat, especially between April and December.