Welcome to the central region of Panama, a treasure trove of cultural richness and natural
wonders. This region comprises the provinces of Coclé, Veraguas, and the Azuero Peninsula, the
largest in the country, encompassing Herrera, Los Santos, and the southeastern part of Veraguas.
Immerse yourself in the vibrant folklore, stroll through charming museums and colonial dwellings,
and marvel at the skilled artisans who grace the area with their craftsmanship. The central region
offers breathtaking mountain landscapes, lush forests teeming with diverse vegetation, and a
thriving wildlife population. The Pacific coast in this area is a marvel, boasting protected marine
parks, barrier reefs, and pristine dream beaches.
Just a few kilometers away from Panama City lies El Valle de Antón, nestled in a valley that was
once a lakebed within the expansive volcano crater. This picturesque town is surrounded by
forests, perfect for leisurely walks, invigorating hikes, and birdwatching as countless bird species
inhabit the area. In the mountains of Coclé, near Penonomé, you will find the small town of La
Pintada, renowned for crafting Panama's finest painted hats and producing exquisite handmade
cigars. The region also boasts the country's oldest church, the Basilica of Natá de los Caballeros, as
well as the El Caño Archaeological Park and Museum, offering insights into Panama's ancient
Azuero Peninsula is the heart and soul of Panama, celebrated for its craftsmanship, folklore, fairs,
festivals, and religious processions. Las Tablas stands out as the ultimate destination to celebrate
carnival, hosting the Festival de la Pollera, a spectacular parade featuring around a thousand
young ladies adorned in the traditional polleras, the Panamanian national costume. Noteworthy
towns include La Arena, famous for its baked clay workshops using adobe furnaces, Pesé,
renowned for producing seco, the national beverage, and Guararé, known for crafting mejorana
From the tranquil fishing village of Pedasí, set out to discover Isla Iguana, a mesmerizing natural
reserve spanning sixteen hectares of barrier reef with seventeen coral species and a myriad of
tropical fish. The island is home to the largest colony of Panama's frigates, adding to its allure as a
must-visit destination.
Prepare to be enchanted by the central region of Panama, where cultural heritage and ecological
wonders intertwine to create a captivating experience that will leave you with cherished
memories of this remarkable part of the country.